<aside> 💡 Pride & Prejudice: for some people, it’s just a book. For others, it’s a lifestyle. For Adrienne Blake, it’s a whole entire universe. Throw out everything you know about the Bennets because jolly ol’ England is about to get paranormal… and also it’s in Maine, now. What do witches, warlocks, and Mr. Darcy have in common? They’re all more fun with immersive fiction. Not quite a book, not quite a movie, somehow better than both.



Adrienne Blake knows her magic.

A USA Today bestselling author of mystery and paranormal romance, she’s also an Amazon Top 100 bestselling author. An expert wordsmith whose beautiful prose lends to a can’t-put-it-down mentality, Pride & Paranormal is the latest magical creation of hers we just can’t walk away from.

Pride & Paranormal gives you exactly what the title promises: all the characters and major story beats you’ve come to know and love with a whole new magically magnificent twist.

Set in modern-day Maine, Blake’s Pride & Paranormal somehow breathes delightfully fresh air into an already beloved story while simultaneously reminding us as readers of everything that makes Austen’s tale a classic.

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With a little Tales magic of our own, we were able to take the plain text of Blake’s spellbinding novel and turn it into something larger than life.

First, we added backgrounds, bringing beloved locations to life such as Rosings Park (otherwise known as Netherfield Park) and Blake’s own add of The Flaming Cauldron, a local haunt for nightlife-loving spell-casters.



Lizzy Bennet’s whip-smart attitude and modern goth style seem perfectly at home amongst her vampire rock band posters and in the parlor rooms of her local coven. Of course, no mere background illustration - no matter how exquisitely rendered - can fully capture the moody tension of one Mr. Fitz Darcy. That’s where the soundtrack comes in.

We had a blast picking and choosing which theme songs should play when: what works best when Lizzy’s mother drags her out shopping, what might perfectly underscore the warlock Fitz Darcy’s tempestuous love confession, what would effortlessly convey the mood of a chance encounter in a moonlit cemetery?

Honestly, these are the kinds of questions that are a joy to answer.



But it’s more than the characters or the story beats that make Austen’s romance novel something we’re still creating and re-creating centuries later.

As with all written fiction, the true charm comes from the prose itself, and Blake is no novice when it comes to casting a spell over language.

No matter if she’s referencing a particularly iconic Austen line or simply inventing her own enchanting exposition, our line styles are the perfect way to enhance those mic-drop-moments without stealing any of the glory from the words themselves.

Whether it’s creating scenery for modern witchy dive bars, inserting theme songs over the top of an intimate moment with an aging vampire, or adding just the right amount of visual flourish to a particularly long-awaited line of dialogue, the magic of Pride & Paranormal takes flight with our immersive fiction tools.

No Jane, it’s not sorcery - it’s Tales.