When to Tune?

There is no point in tuning your story until you have the entire shell of it up and running. Until that point, simply make sure your variable grants and conditions are checking against the number 1. The 1 will remind you to plug in a real number later.

Variable Grants

For instance if it’s a detective story and you’re trying to break a suspect in an interrogation, you could provide 3 options: - Threaten suspect: No benefit, suspects shuts down - Connect with suspect: +1 to BREAK_WILLPOWER - Offer a way out for his family: +2 to BREAK_WILLPOWER

Requirement Gate

Gate Mix

Think of having a mix of 3 types of gates. Here’s some guidelines but feel free to deviate by 10-20%

You can definitely mix and match gates in the same choice given you have the option of up to 6 options per choice.

Gate Values

At each gate you want to calculate the maximum value you could have on your variable.

For each of the gates types, you’ll want to gate by a % of the max value that variable could be.

Cost Gate