Explore the Dark Side...

Who needs the light when the shadows are this good? Get your creep-factor on with Tales!

Ready to write your nightmare?

Example Stories



By: Michael Gordon

You are paranormal detective, Viola Hardinge, investigating hauntings across Victorian London. You soon become embroiled in a dangerous game of death contested between two notorious serial killers: Jack the Ripper and The Thames Torso Murderer. As a spiritualist and medium, can you tap into your abilities to uncover the identities of each to save your city? Or are you destined to become their next victim?

Fox’s Wedding


By: Els White

As a detective investigating a string of disappearances, you find yourself abducted. Waking up in a mysterious facility, you soon realize a game of life or death is about to begin ... and you’re the star contestant.

Mascara Murders


Tales Original

Another student dead. Found in the bathroom. Blood pooled around the eyes, looking almost like mascara. Could it be a serial killer? Or is it just another rumor circulating Sentinel High School? It’s up to you to find out.

Visual Tech Demo

Black Simple Romance Book cover (27).jpg

Tales Original

You’re being chased by a maniacal hunter in the woods. Which family members survive alongside you? Do you race down a steep cliff or go through a raging river? And when the killer catches up, do you hide or challenge him to a battle? Can you survive?!

Ever wonder what thriller and horror stories you can bring to life on Tales? Play through to get inspired by the best assets, relevant sets, and custom character designs…perfect for bringing your spooky series into plain sight.


Eerie mansions, possessed dolls, mind-boggling mazes, and so much more. Our library is teeming with ick, creep, and full-on aaaggghh!


