You may love a particular paragraph style, but need it in a different color to match the tone/vibe/aesthetic of your story. Adjusting that paragraph style’s color is easy! Let’s say you’re playing a character who can hear ghosts, and want the different voices inside their head to appear in different colors - you can do this easily and effectively!

I know I can find the answer.

<#comic -color_01 #f6cbed -color_02 #7d4f73>
Sure you can, I believe in you.

<#comic -color_01 #cbe0f6 -color_02 #1f64ad>
You're never going to figure this out.

<#comic -color_01 #edfee7 -color_02 #8ead1f>
Does anybody else want a sandwich?

Could you guys please stop intruding on my thoughts?!