Through the course of the series, there may be some important variables that the player had multiple opportunities to improve in the course of the episode such as STRENGTH or CLUES.

We call these Scored Variables and they’re displayed on the end screen so the player will see how well they did compared to others & see how many possible points they could have gained in the episode compared to how many they actually gained.  This provides feedback on whether they played well and gives readers an opportunity to replay the episode if they aren’t happy with the results.

Initialize Scored Variables

First, you’ll want to declare these special variables at the top of your episode script by having a line that looks like this:

| Score | FELIX 50, TREASURE 4

This means the player had the opportunity to increase their relationship with FELIX by 50 points in the episode. In addition, they could have received up to 4 TREASURE.


[set: FELIX 50 -loadout]