
Playstyle Endings

You can add Endings to your story through your Asset List. Each unique Ending will have its own Unique ID (see GOOD_ENDING in the example below) and can be treated like a variable if you like.

You can use pair this with if/else stacks at the start of new chapters to a reader’s previous chapter ending influence how they start the next chapter, as in the example below.

* [if: GOOD_ENDING] -> :good_chapter_start
* [if: OKAY_ENDING] -> :okay_chapter_start
* [else] -> :bad_chapter_start

Personality Variables

Personality tagging enables you to create a personality test that the player is taking behind the scenes with their choices. These will be added up to calculate which ending the player receives.

Something tells me these aren't blood cultists.
* [give: SNARKY] (Smug) That much is obvious.
* [give: INTELLECTUAL] (Confused) Then who are they?

You should add at least 10 grants for each personality variable in each episode. This means you’ll want to make nearly every choice affect them in some way, with some exceptions.

Never place personality tags on:

  1. Premium choices
  2. Any choice where the player feels incentivized to choose one choice over there other, such as answering a riddle.
  3. Any arbitrary choice, such as going to Tom’s house vs Karen’s apartment, unless there’s a narrative argument for an option representing a personality trait.

Never show personality variables in the HUD.