Calculations can be done in ALL logical commands [set, give, take, if, not, cost]. You need to wrap all calculations in: calc().

Basic Math

Basic computations don’t require any additional commands.


Order of Operations

The order of operations is strictly left to right so you’ll have to use parentheses if you want certain calculations to happen first:


Use in Conditionals

You can easily gate by more than 1 variable but keep in mind if you use more than one variable on the left slot, it will lose the icon.

What do you want to do next?
* [cost: MONEY calc(BOAT.price+HOUSE.price)] Acquire the good life
* [if: PLAYER.reputation >= calc(ENEMY.reputation+BOSS.reputation)] Appeal to the masses
* Do nothing


In the section about variables we learned how to compare one variable to one value. You can actually compare an infinite number of them together. All functions require: calc().


These functions are VERY helpful when computing endings.

[set: WINNER calc(max(JUDY, BOBBY, ELENA))]
[set: LOSER calc(min(JUDY, BOBBY, ELENA))]
[set: AVERAGE calc(avg(JUDY, BOBBY, ELENA))]


This is great for checking against multiple conditions

* [if: calc((CHAOTIC >= LAWFUL) and (GOOD >= EVIL))]
	    You are chaotic good
* [if: calc((CHAOTIC >= LAWFUL) and (EVIL >= GOOD))]
	    You are chaotic evil
* [if: GOOD >= EVIL]
	    You are lawful good
* [else]
	    You are lawful evil
How do you want to proceed against the Rat King?
* [if: calc(SWORD or GUN)] You have a weapon!
* Run away!