<aside> 💡 “Played any good stories lately?” is not the question you hear gamers ask each other — but it should be. After all, that’s what a good chunk of us are really asking when we hit each other with the classic: “Played anything good lately?” We’ve got some news for you story-loving gamers, and it is absolutely poggers (Did you cringe? Good. We’re not sorry). Your next favorite story-based RPG is already here, and it lives on your phone.


Young Adult Author, Zachary Sergi

Young Adult Author, Zachary Sergi

While video games were slowly starting to appear in households around the world some forty-plus years ago, countless basements were filled with storytellers rolling out their character sheets and twenty-sided die where they got together to create epic fantasy sagas through the medium of tabletop roleplay games.

Is it any mystery, then, why some of our favorite modern RPG games play — and also read — like epic D&D campaigns? The words “Dragon Age” are basically a nerd activation phrase for a good chunk of today’s narrative designers.

Just try and get them to shut up about Fereldan-Dalish relations.

So when author and all-around nerd Zachary Sergi pitched us his urban fantasy title Demonique and the HellHunters featuring a combat system, customizable storyline, and multiple potential love interests, we were already hooked.

Demonique leverages the Tales tools to create a title that is part book, part game, and 100% fully freaking awesome.

Low-key? Buffy the vampire slayer got nothin’ on Dani the Demonique.

By leveraging a simple scripting system, Sergi was able to create a world where the reader has now become a player, able to curate their experience and explore the world set out for them in whatever way feels best to them.


Suddenly the world is as deeply personal as it is customizable! What gender do you want your potential love interest to be? What flavor of whup-ass would you like our protagonist to unleash? How will you balance smiting demonic entities with the growing pains of starting your first year of college — with snack & spite or with sweetness & a smile?

And most importantly: how will your choices shape the world around you?



From tracking stats such as Strength and Damage the way you’d expect in a traditional RPG to over thirty individual chapter endings showing you your unique gameplay style based your choices, Sergi has created an entire branching universe complete with satisfying lore, unforgettable characters, and heart-pounding combat & gameplay sequences without needing to so much as download Unity.

The prophecy is clear: the world of storytelling through gameplay is as wide open as your imagination is… and we at Tales can’t wait to help you discover it.